Model Systems

Model Systems

A Field Guide to Working with Mouse Models of Huntington’s Disease

Many different mouse models of Huntington’s disease are now available and, depending upon your particular research focus, the choice of which model(s) to use is a critical consideration. Equally, good husbandry that ensures genetic integrity and quality control of the mice are important in generating robust and reproducible results that can be compared across the field.

CHDI, The Jackson Laboratory, and PsychoGenics, Inc. have compiled A Field Guide to Working with Mouse Models of Huntington’s Disease to give HD researchers a broad understanding of the different HD mouse models that exist today and to provide guidance to optimize their use in preclinical research and development – you can download a copy here.

This manual is intended as a collective HD community resource that will be updated periodically, so we welcome and encourage feedback from all HD researchers to improve and broaden content.

Topics covered include:

  • Common and emerging mouse models for Huntington’s disease research
  • Quality control criteria and recommended best practices for using HD mouse models
  • Model peculiarities, pitfalls, and considerations
  • Best practices for using HD mouse models to test compound efficacy

Animal Registration and Submission

To obtain a Foundation ID (CHDI#) collaborators must submit a CHDI Foundation Animal Registration/Submission Request and complete the questionnaire. Please be advised that the submission of a completed questionnaire is obligatory and it will take a minimum of 10 business days to process. If you have any questions and/or concerns please contact the Foundation Scientific Director associated with your collaboration or alternatively you may contact Brenda Lager.