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The Postcards are a series of short videos aimed at non-scientists that convey the major themes, scientific breakthroughs, and clinical trial updates from each year’s Huntington’s Disease Therapeutics Conference held (most usually) in Palm Springs, California. Beginning in 2006, this series of conferences is a unique forum where researchers from academia meet with pharmaceutical and biotechnology company colleagues to discuss their latest progress, share ideas, and spark new collaborations. If you would like to post any of these Postcards on your website, please contact

Postcard from Palm Springs 2024

Postcard from Dubrovnik 2023

Postcard from Palm Springs 2022

Keynoter video, online HD Therapeutics Conference, April 2021

Keynote speakers, almost always from an HD family, open each year’s HD Therapeutics Conference with their own unique story to remind the scientists why they are gathered. At the 2021 conference held online April 27-29, we caught up with each of the Keynote speakers from the previous 15 years to learn how their very personal presentations had affected them both then and now, and to hear their own impressions of how HD drug development has progressed.

Postcard from Palm Springs 2020

Postcard from Palm Springs 2019

Postcard from Palm Springs & Malta 2018

Postcard from Palm Springs 2016

Postcard from Palm Springs 2015

Postcard from Palm Springs 2014

Postcard from Venice 2013

Postcard from Palm Springs 2012

Postcard from Palm Springs 2011

Highlights of the European Huntington’s Disease Network’s Plenary Meeting

Postcard from Palm Springs 2010