Independent Statistical Standing Committee

Independent Statistical Standing Committee

The Independent Statistical Standing Committee (ISSC) is an external body intended to provide independent, unbiased evaluation and expert advice regarding all aspects of experimental design and statistics. Its overarching aim is to help improve the rigor and reproducibility of scientific research and, as such, CHDI makes this resource available to the Huntington’s disease research community on a priority basis. The ISSC is comprised of individuals from a diverse range of disciplines with specific expertise in research design and statistics. Importantly, committee members are not themselves engaged in Huntington’s disease research, mitigating any potential biases.


The ISSC provides a number of services, including:

  • Assistance with experimental design
  • Sample size/power calculations
  • Advice on statistical methods
  • Methodological evaluation of published research
  • Educational resource development.

 Committee members:

There are currently seven members of the ISSC, each with a special interest in scientific rigor and study reproducibility. New members may be invited onto the ISSC to cover new methodologies, or affiliates consulted for specific projects.




Marcus Munafò (Chair) University of Bristol Professor of Biological Psychology
Stan Lazic Inc. Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer
Martin Lindquist Johns Hopkins University Professor of Biostatistics
Malcolm MacLeod University of Edinburgh Professor of Neurology and Translational Neurosciences
Eric-Jan Wagenmakers University of Amsterdam Professor of Bayesian Methodology


Contact Jen Ware (), Director, Experimental Design at CHDI, to discuss your project requirements and engage with the ISSC.
