
Model-HD: Collaborative modeling of clinical data on Huntington’s disease

MODEL-HD is a collaboration between CHDI, the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Office of Clinical Pharmacology, and the wider Huntington’s disease (HD) research community that will build consensus disease-progression models for HD using data from longitudinal observational studies and clinical trials in both prodromal and manifest disease. It is similar to the collaboration announced in March 2008 between the FDA and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists that is modeling Alzheimer’s disease.The aim of the collaboration is to simulate HD clinical trials under alternative designs. A disease-progression model will be particularly useful in planning trials for compounds that are intended to modify disease. Modeling of this type has previously been applied to Parkinson’s disease and non-small cell lung cancer (Gobburu JV and Lesko LJ, Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol.2009;49:291). The systematic study of the onset and progression of HD clinical signs and symptoms may also shed light on the mechanisms of HD.